Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 442 results

  1. Eyes - laser eye surgery

    During laser eye surgery, a computer-controlled laser is used to remove microscopic amounts of tissue from the front surface of the eye.

  2. Eye injuries - foreign body in the eye

    Don't try to remove a foreign body from your eye - go to your doctor or hospital emergency department for help.

  3. Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)

    Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, aims to improve the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both.

  4. Victorian Eyecare Service

    The Victorian Eyecare Service provides low-cost eye care to eligible people.

  5. Eye floaters

    Some eye floaters look like small dots, while others appear like threads or little hairy clumps.

  6. Eye tests

    Regular eye tests or check-ups detect problems early, so you can have early treatment to minimise any permanent damage to your eyes.

  7. Dry eye

    A person suffering from dry eye syndrome does not have enough of the right kind of tears to keep the eye comfortable.

  8. Eyes – refractive errors

    Refractive errors are common eye disorders causing blurry vision and are related to the focusing ability of your eyes.

  9. Eyes - retinitis pigmentosa

    Retinitis pigmentosa is the collective name for a range of diseases that damage the retina and cause vision to deteriorate.

  10. Eyes - glaucoma

    Glaucoma can happen at any age and without early detection can lead to permanent vision loss and blindness.

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442 results