Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 69 results

  1. Congenital heart disease

    Some congenital heart defects are mild and cause no significant disturbance to the way the heart functions.

  2. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) can affect a child's normal growth and development, including normal growth of the genitals.

  3. Birth defects explained

    The cause of birth defects is often unknown, speak to your GP if you are at increased risk of having a baby with a congenital anomaly.

  4. Syphilis

    Information about syphilis - includes who is at risk, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. If left untreated, syphilis can cause serious health issues and congenital syphilis in babies.

  5. Heart murmur

    Many children have innocent heart murmurs that don?t require any treatment, but medical tests are often needed to check.

  6. Deafness - a range of causes

    Deafness is caused by many different events including injury, disease and genetic defects.

  7. Muscular dystrophy

    People affected by muscular dystrophy have different degrees of independence, mobility and carer needs.

  8. Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

    If an unborn baby gets CMV from their mother, it can cause hearing loss and intellectual disability.

  9. Hydrocephalus

    Hydrocephalus is the abnormal enlargement of the brain cavities (ventricles) caused by a build-up of cerebrospinal fluid.

  10. Newborn bloodspot screening

    Every newborn baby in Australia is offered a test for the rare medical conditions of phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis and congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

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69 results