Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 11 results

  1. Abdominal pain in children

    Children may feel stomach pain for a range of reasons and may need treatment.

  2. It's okay to feel sad

    Sadness is a feeling that everyone experiences. It is part of life. We can respond to our sadness in ways that help us feel better.

  3. Arsenic mine tailings and health

    Mine tailings near goldmines may contain high levels of arsenic.

  4. Travel health - yellow fever immunisation

    If you are travelling or passing through areas infected with yellow fever, some countries require you to be vaccinated.

  5. Pain and pain management – adults

    Always see your doctor if you have ongoing pain to find the best pain-management option for you.

  6. Trauma and children – tips for parents

    Tell your child the facts about a distressing or frightening experience using language they can understand.

  7. Schizoaffective disorder

    Diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder may be difficult because the symptoms are similar to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

  8. Talking to children about bushfires

    Talking to children openly in a way that suits their age, while also involving them in decisions regarding bushfire preparation and response, will help them feel emotionally secure and confident.

  9. Trauma and primary school age children

    Children look to their parents or carers to judge how to deal with a crisis.

  10. Testicular cancer

    Early diagnosis and treatment can cure almost all cases of testicular cancer.

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11 results