Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Influenza (sometimes called 'the flu') is a highly contagious virus that causes widespread illness every year.
  • Immunisation and practising prevention measures are the best ways we can protect against the flu and reduce the number of influenza infections and deaths.
  • Flu immunisation is recommended for everyone from 6 months of age who want to protect themselves from the flu and its complications.
  • Some people are more at risk of complications from the flu and are eligible for free vaccination.
  • People who work or live with people who are at risk of serious complications should also be immunised to avoid spreading the flu.
  • The flu vaccine cannot give you the flu because it does not contain any live virus.
  • You can receive your flu vaccine at the same time as other vaccines including COVID-19 vaccine.

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Reviewed on: 02-04-2024