Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-9 of 9 results

  1. Gastroenterologist services

    A gastroenterologist is a physician who treats diseases and conditions related to the digestive system and intestines.

  2. Best care guidance for non-urgent planned surgery

    A handful of non-urgent planned surgical procedures (also known as elective surgery) have been found to have limited benefits, except in very specific circumstances.

  3. Coeliac disease and gluten sensitivity

    Coeliac disease is an immune disease caused by gluten.

  4. Endoscopy

    An endoscope or fibrescope is a long, usually flexible tube with a lens at one end and a video camera at the other.

  5. Medical procedures - non-surgical

    Non-surgical procedures are used to diagnose, measure or treat problems such as disease or injury

  6. Huntington's disease and diet issues

    Weight loss is often associated with Huntington's disease, but it doesn?t appear to be a direct result of diet.

  7. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

    Irritable bowel syndrome can't be cured with medications or special diets but avoiding individual triggers can help prevent it.

  8. Stomach cancer

    The symptoms of stomach cancer are usually vague and can be common to other medical conditions.

  9. Gluten-free diet

    Gluten sensitivity can be managed with a gluten-free diet.

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9 results