Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-7 of 7 results

  1. Borderline personality disorder

    People with borderline personality disorder may exhibit extreme behaviour, such as repeated self-mutilation or taking overdoses of medication.

  2. Darce, café worker, Glenroy

    Darce is a mental health advocate and has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Watch Darce’s story about how getting a diagnosis and a support system can really help.

  3. Bipolar disorder

    Bipolar disorder is a type of psychosis, which means the person?s perception of reality is altered. It is characterised by extreme mood swings

  4. Paranoia

    Paranoia is the irrational and persistent feeling that people are ‘out to get you’ or that you are the subject of persistent, intrusive attention by others.

  5. Mental health conditions - family and friends

    You can do a lot to help your friend or relative with a mental illness, but you need to look after yourself too.

  6. Mental illness treatments

    The correct treatment for mental illness can help a person?s condition to improve or help a person to live well, despite the presence of some ongoing symptoms.

  7. Hospitals, clinics and residential options for mental illness

    There are a range of mental health services, some provided by government and some that are run by private or community providers.

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7 results