Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 27 results

  1. Abdominal birth defects

    During fetal development, the diaphragm or abdominal wall may fail to properly fuse, allowing the abdominal organs to protrude.

  2. Urinary system birth defects

    Common birth defects of the urinary system include hypospadias, obstructive defects of the renal pelvis and renal agenesis.

  3. Prader-Willi syndrome

    A feature of Prader-Willi syndrome is the child's excessive appetite, which often leads to obesity.

  4. Cri du chat syndrome

    Most children born with cri du chat syndrome have moderate intellectual disability, with varying degrees of speech delay and some health problems.

  5. Syringomyelia

    Syringomyelia is the growth of a cyst in the spinal cord that may result in paraplegia or quadriplegia if not treated.

  6. Treacher Collins syndrome

    Treacher Collins syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects growth and development of the head, causing facial defects and hearing loss.

  7. Dwarfism

    Dwarfism refers to a group of conditions characterised by shorter than normal skeletal growth.

  8. Fragile X syndrome

    The facts about fragile X syndrome are complicated, and parents and family members are invited to ask their doctor to refer them to a genetics clinic.

  9. Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)

    Around 95 per cent of babies born with developmental dysplasia of the hip can be successfully treated.

  10. Tay-Sachs disease

    Tay-Sachs disease is a serious genetic disorder common in Ashkenazi Jews and French-Canadians.

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27 results