Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 11 results

  1. Dengue virus disease

    Dengue virus disease (dengue fever, or ‘dengue’) is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes in many tropical and subtropical parts of the world.

  2. Mosquitoes can carry diseases

    You can reduce the risk of mosquito bites if you get rid of potential mosquito breeding sites around your home.

  3. Zika virus

    Zika virus is a mosquito-borne virus. There is no cure, specific treatment or vaccine for Zika virus.

  4. Protect yourself from mosquito-borne disease

    We love getting outdoors while the weather is warm. The problem is, so do mosquitoes. They’re not just annoying - some mozzies can transmit serious diseases.

  5. Disaster relief for national and state emergencies

    Information about disaster relief for national and state emergencies.

  6. Mosquitoes - protect your home checklist

    Use this simple checklist and take action to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home. The best protection from mosquito-borne diseases is to avoid mosquito bites.

  7. Guillain-Barré syndrome

    Most people with Guillain-Barré syndrome experienced some form of viral or bacterial infection before the onset of symptoms.

  8. Overseas travel – health tips

    The most common travel-related illnesses are gastrointestinal diseases from poorly prepared foods or untreated water.

  9. Mosquitoes - mozzie-proof your holiday checklist

    Use this simple checklist and take action to prevent mosquitoes from spoiling your holiday. Mosquitoes can carry diseases be prepared and avoid mosquito bites.

  10. Travel immunisation

    If you are travelling overseas, check with your doctor well in advance to find out what immunisations you need.

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11 results