Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Gender, sex and sexuality are each different concepts. Gender refers to an internal sense of identity, while sex refers to the identity assigned to a person at birth based on physical characteristics. 
  • Sexuality, or sexual orientation, refers to the sex or gender a person is sexually attracted to (such as being lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual, etc.)
  • Your gender is what feels natural to you, even if it differs from the gender that was assigned to you at birth based on your presumed sex.
  • Some people may not feel comfortable with the gender assigned to them at birth. They may choose to live according to their true gender identity. This is called gender affirmation.
  • A person may affirm their gender by taking steps to be socially or physically more aligned with their gender identity, including changing their name, taking hormones, or having surgery. 
  • If your child seems unsure about their gender, support what they say and do. Seek help if your child is distressed, or if you need support.

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Reviewed on: 18-04-2023