Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Exercise has many benefits for people with diabetes, especially when combined with healthy eating.
  • Before you start exercising, make sure you have an individualised diabetes management plan, and a health check with your GP.
  • An exercise physiologist can develop a personalised exercise plan for you.
  • Check your blood glucose levels (BGLs) before, during and after exercise to see how the exercise you are doing affects them.
  • If your BGLs are above the normal range before exercise refer to your diabetes management plan. If you are unwell and your BGLs are high, avoid exercising until your BGLs have returned to the normal range and you are feeling better.
  • If you have type 1 diabetes and you are unwell, avoid exercise until you feel better as you may be at risk of ketoacidosis.
  • Always carry portable hypoglycaemia treatment with you if you take insulin or sulphonylurea medication.
  • If you have existing diabetes complications such as eye or kidney problems, check with your diabetes specialist if it is safe to do certain types of activity.

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Reviewed on: 10-08-2021