Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Find a doctor who understands ME/CFS.
  • The core symptom of ME/CFS is called post-exertional malaise (PEM), which is an increase in symptoms and reduction in function after minimal physical or mental activity.
  • People living with ME/CFS can experience a wide range of debilitating symptoms. They are not just “tired”.
  • There is currently no diagnostic test for ME/CFS, but doctors can diagnose using accepted diagnostic criteria.
  • The causes of ME/CFS are complex and not yet fully understood. There is no cure yet.
  • Managing symptoms with your trusted healthcare professional can help to stabilise your ME/CFS and improve your quality of life.
  • Pacing and rest are two self-management strategies commonly used with ME/CFS. The main goal of pacing is to reduce the intensity and frequency of PEM by limiting activity to the energy available. A key component of pacing is rest.

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Reviewed on: 07-07-2022