Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 23 results

  1. Human papillomavirus (HPV) and immunisation

    Information about human papillomavirus (HPV) including symptoms, causes, prevention, sexual transmission, cervical screening and immunisation to protect against cervical and HPV-related cancers.

  2. Throat cancer

    Risk factors for throat cancer include smoking or chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol and Human papillomavirus (HPV).

  3. Genital warts

    Genital warts are a common sexually transmissible infection (STI). About causes, signs, symptoms, transmission, treatment, reinfection, prevention, HPV vaccines, cervical cancer screening and support.

  4. Cervical cancer

    Cervical cancer information including signs and symptoms, screening, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, HPV vaccine and where to get help. Tests are recommended for 25-74 year olds every 5 years.

  5. Secondary School Immunisation Program

    Some immunisations are recommended for all Australian teenagers.

  6. Warts

    Warts can be stubborn, so you may need to use more than one type of treatment.

  7. Health checks for women

    A woman at high risk of a particular disease should be checked more frequently and/or at an earlier age.

  8. Immunisation – common questions

    We answer some common questions about immunisation, including how immunisation works, why it's important and where you can be immunised.

  9. Who provides immunisations in Victoria

    Immunisations in Victoria are provided by local councils, GPs, nurses in medical clinics and community health services, maternal and child health nurses, travel clinics, pharmacists and hospitals.

  10. Everybody’s doing it!

    Sexual health month brings the community together to highlight the importance of getting regular sexual health checks, STI testing and preventing illness through safer sex practices (such as condoms).

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23 results