Better Health Channel

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  1. Homebirth

    Having a baby at home can be an option for pregnant women who are healthy, have a low-risk pregnancy and live close to a hospital in case the birth does not go to plan.

  2. Questions to ask your obstetrician or midwife

    The cost of having a baby in Victoria can vary considerably, depending mostly on whether you use the public or private health system.

  3. Birth doula

    A birth doula (or birth attendant) is a birth coach or companion who provides emotional, physical and non-medical support to women during pregnancy, labour, birth and early parenting.

  4. Pregnancy and birth - related emergencies

    A medical emergency can happen at any time during pregnancy, labour and birth. Some emergencies can be life threatening for pregnant women and their babies.

  5. Who’s who during pregnancy, birth and newborn care

    Depending on the model of care you chose for your antenatal and labour care, you might see a few or all of the healthcare professionals listed below who will take care of you during your pregnancy.

  6. Medical terms and definitions during pregnancy and birth

    Like all areas of medicine, pregnancy and childbirth has a number of specialised terms, many of which you will hear during your own pregnancy and labour, and the birth of your baby.

  7. First days after birth

    The first few days after giving birth are a time for resting, looking after yourself and learning about your baby.

  8. Pregnancy and birth care options

    Pregnant women in Victoria can choose who will care for them during their pregnancy, where they would like to give birth and how they would like to deliver their baby.

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8 results