Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 95 results

  1. Calcium

    If you don’t have enough calcium in your diet, your bones will eventually become weak and brittle.

  2. Osteoporosis

    A healthy, calcium-rich diet and regular physical activity throughout life can help prevent osteoporosis.

  3. Dairy and dairy alternatives

    Dairy products (and dairy alternatives) are packed with calcium, protein and lots of other essential nutrients.

  4. Breastfeeding and your diet

    Breastfeeding women need to eat regularly and include a wide variety of healthy foods in their diet.

  5. Parathyroid glands

    The parathyroid glands make hormones that regulate calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the bones and blood.

  6. Vitamins and minerals

    Vitamins and minerals are organic compounds that are required in very small amounts, for a variety of metabolic processes.

  7. Food and your life stages

    The nutritional requirements of the human body change as we move through different life stages.

  8. Pregnancy and diet

    Good nutrition during pregnancy can help to keep you and your developing baby healthy.

  9. Menopause and osteoporosis

    Regular weight-bearing exercise and maintaining a diet rich in calcium from childhood will help reduce bone loss at menopause.

  10. Osteoporosis in men

    Up to 25 per cent of all fractures that occur in people with osteoporosis and osteopenia, occur in men.

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95 results