Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 104 results

  1. Pregnancy and birth services

    Involving health services early and understanding your childbirth options will give you the best chance of a successful and rewarding birth experience.

  2. Pregnancy - antenatal checks of your baby

    A midwife or doctor will use abdominal palpation during an antenatal visit to examine a baby's position and development.

  3. Records and paperwork for maternal health care and babies

    When you are having a baby in Victoria, there are various records and other documents that need to be accessed, created or completed.

  4. Public fertility care services

    Public fertility care services are giving more Victorians the chance to become parents.

  5. Pregnancy and birthing services for different language or cultural needs

    If you are pregnant and have specific cultural or language needs, the first step is to notify your local maternity hospital about your requirements.

  6. Medical terms and definitions during pregnancy and birth

    Like all areas of medicine, pregnancy and childbirth has a number of specialised terms, many of which you will hear during your own pregnancy and labour, and the birth of your baby.

  7. Abortion information translated into community languages

    In Victoria, you can have two types of abortion: surgical and medication. Both types are safe and reliable. You can have a medication abortion up to nine weeks of pregnancy. You can have a surgical abortion from around six weeks of pregnancy onwards.

  8. Midwife

    A midwife cares for women during pregnancy and labour.

  9. Pregnancy - unplanned

    Information about unplanned pregnancy including pregnancy options (such as medical and surgical abortion, adoption, foster and kinship care), pregnancy counselling and where to get help.

  10. Questions to ask your obstetrician or midwife

    The cost of having a baby in Victoria can vary considerably, depending mostly on whether you use the public or private health system.

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104 results