Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 965 results

  1. Conjunctivitis

    Conjunctivitis is an eye infection caused by a bacteria or virus. Symptoms include eye redness, a discharge and swollen lids. Conjunctivitis is treated with antibacterial eye drops or ointment. Children must not attend school or child care if they have conjunctivitis.

  2. Eye care - orthoptists

    Orthoptists assist in the diagnosis and treatment of eye disease.

  3. Locomotor system

    The skeleton and skeletal muscles work together to allow movement.

  4. Urinary system

    Most waste products are removed from the body by the urinary system.

  5. Psittacosis - parrot fever

    People who have birds as pets, poultry workers and anyone working in aviaries or pet shops, are most at risk of catching psittacosis.

  6. Q fever

    Q fever is caused by a micro-organism that can be carried by cattle, sheep and goats.

  7. Diabetic retinopathy

    Without treatment, diabetic retinopathy can cause loss of vision and blindness.

  8. Ear wax

    In most cases, blockage of the ear canal with wax is a harmless event.

  9. Naturopathy

    Naturopathy uses a range of treatments to stimulate your body's own healing powers.

  10. Non-specific urethritis (NSU)

    Non-specific urethritis (NSU) means any inflammation of a man's urethra that is not caused by gonorrhoea.

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965 results