Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 125 results

  1. Massage

    One of the immediate benefits of massage is a feeling of deep relaxation and calm.

  2. Massage therapist

    Massage therapy is the manipulation of a person’s soft tissue (such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, lymphatic vessels or organs) for therapeutic purposes.

  3. Aromatherapy

    The different smells and chemical constituents of aromatherapy oils can produce different emotional and physiological reactions.

  4. Reflexologist

    A reflexologist massages or applies gentle pressure to particular parts of your feet to help with a health problem located somewhere elsewhere on your body.

  5. Pregnancy - packing for hospital

    Packing for hospital is an exciting part of preparing for the birth of your baby.

  6. Managing your pain and other symptoms during a life-limiting illness

    The healthcare professionals in your palliative care team will work together to manage your pain so that you can focus on the things you enjoy.

  7. Palliative care – dealing with common symptoms

    Some people prefer having palliative care at home because of the familiar environment, feeling of independence and close access to family, friends and the local community.

  8. Barrett's oesophagus

    Symptoms of Barrett's oesophagus are similar to regular heartburn, which means many people don't seek treatment until their condition is quite advanced.

  9. Myotherapy

    Myotherapy is a form of physical therapy used to treat or prevent soft tissue pain and restricted joint movement.

  10. Anal fissure

    Around half of cases of anal fissures heal by themselves with proper self-care and avoidance of constipation.

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125 results