Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 29 results

  1. Indigestion (heartburn and reflux)

    Food inside the stomach is only kept there by the force of gravity so to avoid heartburn, don't lie down after a big meal.

  2. Children and vomiting

    Mild vomiting is normal in most babies and improves over time.

  3. Barrett's oesophagus

    Symptoms of Barrett's oesophagus are similar to regular heartburn, which means many people don't seek treatment until their condition is quite advanced.

  4. Scleroderma

    The most common symptom of scleroderma is a thickening and hardening of the skin, particularly of the hands and face.

  5. Pregnancy - signs and symptoms

    All women experience pregnancy differently, and you will experience different symptoms at different stages of your pregnancy.

  6. Digestive system explained

    The digestive tract can be thought of as a long muscular tube with digestive organs attached along the way.

  7. Right care, in the right place, at the right time

    Broken bone, ankle sprain, cut or burn that needs treatment?  If you need treatment or care urgently but it’s not life-threatening, help is available.  

  8. Digestive tract birth defects

    Too much amniotic fluid surrounding the baby during pregnancy (polyhydramnios) may indicate the presence of defects of the digestive tract.

  9. Stomach ulcer

    Most stomach ulcers are caused by infection or medication, not stress or poor diet.

  10. Diabetic neuropathy

    Diabetes is the most common cause of neuropathy

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29 results