Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 10 results

  1. Cancer and food

    Diet can influence your risk of developing some cancers, but there is no evidence that specific foods can cause or cure cancer.

  2. Cholesterol - healthy eating tips

    Replacing foods that contain saturated fats with foods that contain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats will help to lower your cholesterol.

  3. Meat and poultry

    Meat and poultry are a great source of protein and lots of other nutrients your body needs. Check your recommended intake of meat and poultry and try to stick with it.

  4. Huntington's disease and diet issues

    Weight loss is often associated with Huntington's disease, but it doesn?t appear to be a direct result of diet.

  5. Healthy cooking tips and recipe suggestions

    In many cases, favourite recipes can be modified so they have a lower fat content. Discover healthy eating tips and recipe suggestions.

  6. Gluten-free diet

    Gluten sensitivity can be managed with a gluten-free diet.

  7. Nutrition needs when you’re over 65

    As you become older, the foods and drinks that make up a healthy diet for you may be slightly different from when you were younger.

  8. Bowel cancer

    Bowel cancer is highly curable if found at an early stage.

  9. Weight loss - common myths

    There are no magical foods, or ways to combine foods, that melt away excess body fat.

  10. Healthy eating and diet

    Healthy eating information including major food groups, daily serve guidelines by age and what to include in a healthy diet.

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10 results