Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Asylum seekers are among the most disadvantaged people living in Victoria, often receiving little or no Commonwealth government income support. As an asylum seeker, whether or not you are entitled to a Medicare card depends on your visa and visa conditions, and these often change while your application for permanent residency in Australia is determined. 
  • Refugees arriving in Australia with a refugee or humanitarian visa, or those who have recently been granted a Permanent Protection Visa, can receive some support from the Commonwealth government.
  • Asylum seekers and refugees in Victoria are eligible for most health and community services funded by the Victorian government as eligibility for most services is not determined by visa or residency status. 
  • Some of the Victorian Government’s programs for asylum seekers and refugees include the Refugee Health Program, Refugee Minor Program for unaccompanied refugee children and young people, torture and trauma counselling, legal assistance, and the public transport concession card. 

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Reviewed on: 17-06-2019