Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health
  • Keeping physically fit, eating a healthy diet and doing regular mental exercises may help maintain your brain’s functions, including memory.
  • Prescription medications or disease can contribute to a marked decline in mental abilities.
  • A brain that gets smaller and lighter with age can still function as effectively as a younger brain.
  • Memory loss may be improved by doing mental exercises. Reading newspapers, magazines and books; playing ‘thinking’ games like Scrabble, cards and Trivial Pursuit; doing crossword puzzles and word games; studying a topic that interests you; learning a language; or learning something you’ve never learnt before may all help exercise your brain.
  • Conditions and events more common to older age that affect brain function include atherosclerosis (narrowed arteries), dementia (such as Alzheimer’s disease), Parkinson’s disease and stroke.

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Reviewed on: 14-10-2015