Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 2306 results

  1. Dental treatment

    Modern techniques mean that dental and oral health treatment is almost always painless.

  2. Conditions and treatments

    Find facts on symptoms, diagnosis and treatments of diseases and illnesses.

  3. Cancer treatments - chemotherapy

    Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to destroy cancer cells.

  4. Cosmetic treatments - injectables

    Cosmetic injections into the skin can be used to reduce wrinkles.

  5. Cancer treatments - radiotherapy

    Radiotherapy uses precisely targeted x-rays to destroy cancer cells while reducing the impact of radiation on healthy cells.

  6. Mental illness treatments

    The correct treatment for mental illness can help a person?s condition to improve or help a person to live well, despite the presence of some ongoing symptoms.

  7. Orthodontic treatment

    Orthodontics involves the use of a range of corrective devices, such as braces and plates, to encourage the teeth to align properly.

  8. Feet - problems and treatments

    Correctly fitted shoes help you avoid foot and leg pain or injury.

  9. Heroin dependence - medication treatments

    Medication treatments for heroin dependence include methadone, buprenorphine and naltrexone.

  10. Managing treatments and medications

    Managing treatments and medications

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2306 results