Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 16 results

  1. Hormonal (endocrine) system

    Hormones can be thought of as chemical messages that communicate with the body and bring about changes.

  2. Thyroid - hyperthyroidism

    Hyperthyroidism can be diagnosed with a simple blood test that measures thyroid hormone levels.

  3. Obesity and hormones

    The hormones leptin, insulin, oestrogens, androgens and growth hormone are factors in obesity.

  4. Hormonal system (endocrine)

    Information about the hormonal or endocrine system, including fact sheets on glands, ovaries, pancreas, testicles, deficiencies and risks and management.

  5. Endocrinologist services

    An endocrinologist is a doctor who has special training to diagnose and treat disorders involving the endocrine system.

  6. Thyroid gland

    If the thyroid gland is overactive or sluggish, the metabolism will be affected, leading to a variety of symptoms.

  7. Pituitary tumour

    Generally, pituitary tumours are benign and slow growing, and pituitary cancers are extremely rare.

  8. Parathyroid glands

    The parathyroid glands make hormones that regulate calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the bones and blood.

  9. Thyroid cancer

    Anyone can develop thyroid cancer, regardless of age or gender.

  10. Pancreas

    The pancreas helps to digest food, particularly protein.

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16 results