Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 25 results

  1. Corneal transplantation and donation

    Corneal transplant surgery would not be possible without generous donors and their families, who have donated corneal tissue so that others may see.

  2. Eyes - laser eye surgery

    During laser eye surgery, a computer-controlled laser is used to remove microscopic amounts of tissue from the front surface of the eye.

  3. Eye injuries - foreign body in the eye

    Don't try to remove a foreign body from your eye - go to your doctor or hospital emergency department for help.

  4. Eye injuries - chemical burns

    Always wear safety goggles or a face shield when handling liquid or powder chemicals.

  5. Eyes – long-sightedness

    A significant amount of long-sightedness can lead to blurred vision, particularly for close objects.

  6. Eyes - trachoma

    A clean face and clean environment are the best protection against trachoma.

  7. Eyes - contact lenses

    Proper care of your contact lenses will help avoid irritation or damage to your eyes.

  8. Organ and tissue transplantation

    Transplantation varies depending on the transplant organ or tissue so speak with your medical team about surgical procedures, recovery and medications.

  9. Eyes - flash burns

    Flash burns are like sunburn in the eye and can affect both your eyes. Find out more.

  10. Short-sightedness

    If you are short-sighted, you will have trouble seeing objects clearly in the distance and they will appear blurry.

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25 results