Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 23 results

  1. Cannabis (marijuana)

    Cannabis has many harmful effects on health.

  2. Medicinal cannabis

    Medicinal cannabis is a legal, high quality medicine that can be prescribed for people by their doctor.

  3. Synthetic drugs

    Synthetic drugs aim to mimic the effects of existing illicit drugs such as cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy.

  4. Drug use in Victoria

    Surveys provide information about drug use and the characteristics of people who use drugs in Victoria and Australia.

  5. Drugs, teenagers and parenting

    Teenagers use drugs for similar reasons that adults do.

  6. Psychedelics

    Psychedelics also known as Hallucinogens target specific centres of the brain to alter its understanding of sensory input.

  7. Teeth and drug use

    Many drugs, both prescription and illegal, can cause tooth damage.

  8. Drugs

    Information about drugs including fact sheets on drug use, overdose, types of drugs, gambling, health effects of addiction and getting help.

  9. Ice (crystal methamphetamine)

    The drug ice, is a stimulant with a high risk of addiction if it used regularly.

  10. Amphetamines

    Amphetamines are stimulant drugs that speed up messages between the brain and body.

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23 results