Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 1990 results

  1. Ros' Story (video)

    Talk to a qualified medical expert like your doctor to find out more about immunisation.

  2. Healthy swimming (video)

    We can keep our pools safe, healthy, and most importantly fun.

  3. Extreme heat (video)

    Extreme heat can affect anyone, including the young and healthy.

  4. Melissa's story (video)

    Melissa shares her story of how her baby caught chickenpox at 5 weeks old.

  5. Dr Margaret's Story (video)

    Access to vaccines has changed lives and protects our children from crippling diseases such as polio.

  6. Dr Margie Danchin (video)

    Can a child's immune system be overloaded by immunisations? The answer is no. Talk to a qualified medical expert like your doctor to find out more about immunisation.

  7. Newborn bloodspot screening (video)

    Every newborn baby in Australia is offered a newborn bloodspot screening test to identify those at risk for rare, but serious, medical conditions including PKU, hypothyroidism and cystic fibrosis.

  8. Anxiety Disorders - Diagnosis (video)

    Anxiety disorders are common, affecting about one in ten with persistent, excessive worrying that can hinder their ability to function. They may worry constantly about things that do not warrant it or that may never happen.

  9. Victorian Supercare Pharmacies (Video)

    Victorian Supercare Pharmacies are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide after hours pharmacy services.

  10. Managing my diabetes (video)

    This video from Diabetes Australia – Victoria explores managing your diabetes

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1990 results