Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 203 results

  1. Water – a vital nutrient

    Water is essential for the human body to function.

  2. Breastfeeding and your diet

    Breastfeeding women need to eat regularly and include a wide variety of healthy foods in their diet.

  3. Food processing and nutrition

    Careful cooking and storage will help retain the nutrients in your food.

  4. Eating tips for preschoolers

    Children are able to decide how much food they need for activity and growth, if allowed to eat according to their appetite.

  5. Vegetarian and vegan eating

    A well-planned vegetarian or vegan diet can meet nutritional needs during all stages of life.

  6. Soft drinks, juice and sweet drinks – limit intake

    Consumption of drinks containing added sugar is associated with weight gain, reduced bone strength and tooth erosion and decay.

  7. Food and your life stages

    The nutritional requirements of the human body change as we move through different life stages.

  8. Cancer and food

    Diet can influence your risk of developing some cancers, but there is no evidence that specific foods can cause or cure cancer.

  9. Food labels

    Food labels carry useful information to help you make good choices about food.

  10. Vitamin and mineral supplements - what to know

    Vitamin and mineral supplements are frequently misused and taken without professional advice. Find out more about vitamin and mineral supplements and where to get advice.

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203 results