Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 53 results

  1. Fruit and vegetables

    Eating fruit and vegetables can help protect against some diseases including diabetes and some cancers.

  2. Soybeans and soy foods

    Soybeans and soy foods may reduce the risk of a range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, coronary heart disease and some cancers, as well as improving bone health.

  3. Diabetes and healthy eating

    Healthy eating for people with diabetes is no different than for everyone else.

  4. Kilojoules on the menu

    Kilojoules on the menu. Check before you choose.

  5. Protein

    Protein is found in animal and plant foods. Learn more about protein foods, how much protein you need each day based on your life stage.

  6. Food and your life stages

    The nutritional requirements of the human body change as we move through different life stages.

  7. Healthy eating and diet

    Healthy eating information including major food groups, daily serve guidelines by age and what to include in a healthy diet.

  8. Cholesterol - healthy eating tips

    Replacing foods that contain saturated fats with foods that contain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats will help to lower your cholesterol.

  9. Diet and heart disease risk

    A diet low in saturated fats and high in fibre and plant food can substantially reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

  10. Cancer and food

    Diet can influence your risk of developing some cancers, but there is no evidence that specific foods can cause or cure cancer.

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53 results