Better Health Channel

Viewing 1-10 of 124 results

  1. Trauma: reazione e guarigione (Trauma - reaction and recovery - Italian)

    È normale manifestare forti reazioni emotive o fisiche in seguito ad un evento sconvolgente.

  2. Ice (crystal methamphetamine)

    The drug ice, is a stimulant with a high risk of addiction if it used regularly.

  3. Dementia

    Dementia is a term used to describe the symptoms of a number of illnesses that affect the brain. The most common cause is Alzheimer's disease, but there are other causes, including Parkinson's disease

  4. Dementia - safety issues

    Safety checks and modifications around the home can help ensure the safety of a person with dementia.

  5. Dementia - behaviour changes

    Providing a calm environment for the person with dementia can help to reduce the impact of changes to behaviour patterns.

  6. Grief after suicide

    The grief felt by family and friends can be deeper when the cause of death is suicide.

  7. Family breakups - supporting children

    Separating parents can help children by giving them honest explanations and emotional support.

  8. Epilepsy and aging

    Epilepsy most commonly begins in childhood or in older adulthood, although it can begin at any age. People over 65 years of age have the highest incidence of epilepsy of any age, accounting for almost a quarter of cases of new onset epilepsy.

  9. Amnesia

    Loss of memory can be temporary or permanent, but 'amnesia' usually refers to the temporary variety.

  10. Trauma e famiglie (Trauma and families - Italian)

    Quando una famiglia è colpita da una crisi, ogni membro reagisce in modo diverso.

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124 results