Better Health Channel Department of Health Department of Health


The Victorian Ombudsman is an officer of the Victorian Parliament who investigates complaints about Victorian state government departments (such as the Department of Health), most statutory authorities (such as WorkSafeExternal Link ) and local government.

Services provided

  • Formal investigation of complaints
  • Reporting of results to both parties involved
  • Complaint resolution


Available to anyone Australia.

How to access

Call (metropolitan) (03) 9613 6222.

Call (regional) 1800 806 314.

Visit the Victorian OmbudsmanExternal Link website.

The National Relay Service (NRS)External Link is available to help callers who are d/Deaf, or find it hard to hear or speak to hearing people on the phone.

The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)External Link is available (24 hours, 7 days) for callers who speak other languages. Call 131 450.


Calls to the Victorian OmbudsmanExternal Link are charged at the cost of a local call.

Calls from mobile phones may be charged at a higher rate.

The Victorian Ombudsman’s services are free.


  • The Ombudsman can also hear complaints about private agencies that carry out statutory responsibilities of government.
  • It is often more effective to write rather than call, especially if your complaint is complex and you need to provide copies of documents.
  • Read the Ombudsman’s fact sheet on tips for making a complaintExternal Link .


  • Before complaining to the Ombudsman, you should first try to resolve your complaint with the organisation concerned.
  • When you make a complaint to the Ombudsman about a government action or decision, the Ombudsman can look into it, tell you what occurred and whether it was reasonable or not. The Ombudsman can also make recommendations to the government body about its conduct.