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An orthodontist is an oral health professional who treats misaligned teeth and jaws.
Orthodontists use braces, plates, head gear and other tools to help bring teeth and jaws back into the correct position.

Services provided

  • Teeth and mouth-related treatments
  • Tooth and jaw alignment
  • Bite correction


Your dentist or doctor can refer you to an orthodontist, but you do not need a referral from a dentist or doctor to see an orthodontist.

How to access

Go to Orthodontics AustraliaExternal Link to find an orthodontist near you.


The cost of orthodontics varies depending on the provider. Contact the service before you attend if you would like more information about cost.

Only some orthodontic services, such as diagnostic imaging, and cleft lip and palate services, are subsidised by Medicare.

Private insurance coverage
Orthodontic fees are covered by some private health funds, but the amount will depend on your insurance policy. Contact your insurer for more information.



Conventional healthcare


Australian Health Practitioner Agency (AHPRA).


Orthodontists must be registered as a specialist in orthodontics by the Dental Board of Australia.

Minimum qualifications

The minimum education requirement for an orthodontist is a Masters qualification in orthodontics.


Early intervention for children from the age of eight to 12 can help reduce problems with teeth and jaw alignment in later years.


You can check if your orthodontist is registered with the Dental Board of Australia via the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation AgencyExternal Link (AHPRA) website.