Better Health Channel

Viewing 11-19 of 19 results

  1. Sex and chronic illness

    Sexuality is a key part of human nature. Expressing sexuality in satisfying ways is important for everyone, including people with a disability. Some people with disability may need additional support, education or services to enjoy healthy sexuality and relationships.

  2. Specialised care for your baby

    If your baby is sick at birth or born premature they will be cared for in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care Nursery (SCN) to support feeding, breathing and early development.

  3. Specialist clinics in hospitals

    Specialist clinics at hospital provide services that are located in a hospital. This helps the service get the best outcome for your treatment and care

  4. Speech pathologists

    Speech pathologists help people who have problems with communication and swallowing.

  5. Steven shares his major trauma story

    Steven talks about his major trauma incident

  6. Stigma, discrimination and mental illness

    Stigma is when someone sees you in a negative way because of a particular characteristic or attribute, such as mental health condition.

  7. Support and advice in hospital

    A hospital stay can be stressful for patients and their loved ones. All Victorian hospitals offer hospital support and hospital advice to people needing extra help.

  8. Support groups

    Support groups offer valuable advice and support and give you the chance to share information with others in a similar situation to you.

  9. Surgery - recovery and rehabilitation

    Major surgery can require some time to recover from. After your discharge from hospital, you may need intensive physical rehabilitation, or to simply take it easy for a few days. Make sure you get the required care after your hospital discharge.