Better Health Channel

Viewing 11-16 of 16 results

  1. Angela's story - a nurse's major trauma experience

    Angela, a nurse, was nursed by her colleagues in the hopsital she work at. ' I have never cried so much in my life.'

  2. Assessing your alcohol and drug use

    If you are worried about your alcohol or drug use or, call DirectLine on 1800 888 236 for counselling, information and referral, or speak with your local doctor.

  3. Assessments and evaluations for mental illness treatment

    Your local doctor can conduct an initial mental health assessment and may refer you to a counsellor, psychologist or psychiatrist depending on your needs.

  4. At the end – dying explained

    Some people prefer having palliative care at home because of the familiar environment, feeling of independence and close access to family, friends and the local community.

  5. Autism spectrum disorder (support services)

    There is a range of services available for children and adults who have autism. These include the provision of information, assessment, early intervention therapies, help at school, behaviour support, family education and respite.

  6. Autopsy

    Immediate family have the right to refuse a hospital post mortem of the deceased and can object to a coronial post mortem.